When to consult an emergency vet

There are many reasons why an owner might want to take his or her pet to an emergency veterinary hospital. Here's how to recognize a veterinary emergency and what to do in an emergency.

How to recognize a veterinary emergency

There are many reasons to seek emergency veterinary care. Here are just a few of them.


If, for example, your pet is involved in a road accident, it's important to consult a veterinarian as soon as possible to examine it. This applies even if there is no visible physical problem. Your pet could be suffering from internal bleeding, which could prove fatal.


Falls from a multi-storey building can also be a good reason to go to an emergency veterinary hospital. Injuries can occur and can have an impact on your pet's health.

Bite wounds should also be seen by a veterinarian. These can lead to infections and spread disease.

Attention should also be paid to bleeding. If your dog's mucous membranes turn white, including the gums and tissues around the eyelids, this may indicate severe blood loss.

Vomiting, diarrhoea and loss of appetite

If your pet stops eating for 24 hours, or experiences repeated vomiting and diarrhea leading to loss of appetite, you need to consult a veterinarian as soon as possible.

What should I do in the event of a veterinary emergency?

We need to distinguish between 2 types of emergency: commonplace and potentially serious.

Mundane emergencies occur when the animal's consciousness is not impaired. In this case, the animal may suffer from mild diarrhea or isolated vomiting, but is generally in good health. In this case, home care may be all that's needed to look after your pet.

Potentially serious emergencies occur when the animal's consciousness is impaired, and it needs resuscitation or anesthesia. In such cases, it's important to get your pet to an emergency veterinary center as quickly as possible. These centers have an intensive care unit to care for your pet.

Who to contact in a veterinary emergency

If you need to use the services of an emergency veterinary hospital open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the closest one to Mercier is the Centre Vétérinaire Rive-Sud. If you're in doubt about your needs and the Mercier Veterinary Hospital is open, don't hesitate to contact us and we'll advise you based on your situation.

Mercier Veterinary Hospital, your veterinary hospital

For over 25 years, Mercier Veterinary Hospital has offered a wide range of services to provide the best care for your pet. Our staff members make sure your pet is in a comfortable and safe environment.

If you need a product for your pet, don't hesitate to visit our online boutique.